Our Churches

Chiesa Riformata “Filadelfia”
Novate Milanese, Lombardy.
The Reformed Church “Philadelphia”is a congregation of believers and their children who are united by one Lord, one faith and one baptism, not by personal preference. We are a church committed to the Christian Faith defined by the terms reformed and confessional.
Via Polveriera, 56
20026 Novate Milanese (MI)
Catechism: 10:00
Service: 10:30

Chiesa Riformata del Trasimeno
Passignano sul Trasimeno, Umbria.
We are a community of Christians saved by grace through the sacrifice and merits of our Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ.
Via della Vittoria, 54 A, 06065 Passignano Sul Trasimeno
Service: 18:00

Chiesa Riformata di Perugia
Perugia, Umbria.
The Reformed Church of Perugia is a confessional Christian church, rooted in the doctrine and practice of the tradition of the Protestant Reformation churches, established to proclaim the wonderful grace of God the Father, in the Son, through the Holy Spirit.
Strada Trasimeno Ovest, 122, 06132 Perugia
Service: 10:00
Catechism: 12:00

Chiesa Presbiteriana “Pietra Vivente”
Lecce, Puglia.
The Presbyterian Church “Living Stone” of Lecce is a congregation of believers and their children united by one Lord, one faith and one baptism. We are passionate about the Gospel, take seriously the worship of God and seek to live our lives and secular vocations Coram Deo (before God) and for the glory of God.
Via Lazio 21/A Lecce
Service: 10:00